

Top-quality products. Made to order. Shipped to any location.

See How We Can Help You

We sew with fabric, but also with knitted materials. Moreover, we offer a comprehensive approach to orders. We design (also sewing patterns), produce, pack and ship to warehouses or directly to stores in accordance with the just-in-time method.

We use durable, safe and environmentally friendly materials.  Without unnecessary dyes and artificial additives.
Naturally, that’s not all. Just contact us and we will prepare a personalized offer. We work flexibly, so we are confident that we will be able to assist you. Please feel welcome to contact us.

Our products include, among others:

  • baby clothes and accessories
  • clothes for the chronically ill and people on wheelchairs
  • maternity clothing
  • pillows, plaids, bedspreads, knitted accessories and rugs
  • corporate clothing
  • aprons and medical apparel,
  • sportswear,
  • topstitching services